

OHAO PROJECTとしての活動を通じて、多くの方々に支えられてまいりました。深く感謝申し上げます。我々の活動はますます広がり、個人や団体を超えた関わりを築いてまいりました。この流れに従い、法人組織へと進化することを決意しました。


OHAO PROJECTの立ち上げからの道のりは、奇跡的な出会いや信念の共有をもたらし、法人化へと進む運命的な流れとなりました。この活動がなぜ続けられているのか、その目的を共有し、今後も多くの専門家と連携しながら、学びながら前進します。


法人設立を最初は自分で行おうと1冊の本に出会いました。その著書を執筆された行政書士 石下貴大先生には、伴走いただきました。改めて感謝申し上げます。


代表理事 諏江宏美
理事 佐川新一朗・岩野竜
監事 添田悦子(税理士)
顧問弁護士 小林正憲(小林法律会計事務所)
社員 諏江浩嘉


On October 20, 2023, 

through our activities as OHAO PROJECT, we have been supported by many people, and we deeply appreciate it. Our activities have continued to expand, forging connections that transcend individuals and organizations. In alignment with this trajectory, we have made the decision to evolve into a legal entity. With this transition, we will establish a new structure, enhance our organization, and work towards more effective activities, aiming to contribute even more to a better future. The journey from the inception of OHAO PROJECT has been marked by miraculous encounters and shared convictions, leading us inevitably towards incorporation. We will continue to share the purpose behind this activity, collaborate with many experts, and progress while learning. Together with all of you, we aspire to engage in dialogue for the future, contribute to a peaceful world for future generations, and explore new possibilities.

Initially, I attempted to incorporate the organization on my own after encountering a book. I was fortunate to have Mr. Takahiro Ishishita, a certified administrative scrivener who authored that book, accompany me in this endeavor. I express my gratitude once again. Going forward, this activity will continue with the aim of serving the public interest. In the future, we will strive to become a UN-recognized NGO to contribute to international peace and cooperation. We are determined to advance towards the future alongside all of you, working towards a better world.

Representative Director of the General Incorporated Association OHAO
Hiromi Sue
Shinichiro Sagawa
Ryu Iwano
Etsuko Soeda (Certified Public Tax Accountant)
Legal Advisor
Masanori Kobayashi (Kobayashi Law and Accounting Office)
Hiroka Sue

We are supported by the General Affairs Team, Accounting Team, Cooking Team, Design Team, Interpretation and Translation Team, and Volunteer Team.




2020年、新型コロナウイルスが日本を襲い、社会問題が表面化しました。これにより、子どもたちの未来や日常のコミュニティが非常時のセーフティネットとしてどのように機能するかについて、多くの人たちと深く考えるようになりました。それが、「OHAOプロジェクト」~Our Hearts are One~の誕生に繋がりました。







Greetings, my name is Hiromi Sue, the representative of this organization.

After the Great East Japan Earthquake, I chose the path of a nurse, and I'm currently working at the Emergency Life-Saving Center. However, I will be transferred starting from July 2023. I look forward to finding further significance in my medical profession in a new environment.

In 2020, when the novel coronavirus hit Japan, it shed light on many social issues. It made me, along with many others, think deeply about how the future of our children and everyday communities could serve as a safety net during emergencies. This reflection led to the birth of the "OHAO Project" - Our Hearts are One.

Even though everyday life may seem to pass casually, it is underpinned by our daily efforts. Experiencing the Great East Japan Earthquake, I realized the importance of connections with people in everyday life. This realization led us to create communities and establish places across the country where people can gather and nurture connections.

However, modern society, while liberating people from various constraints, has simultaneously highlighted issues such as loneliness and solitary eating. Amidst this, we encountered Ukrainian refugees, reminding us of the importance of conveying the "sanctity of life". Inspired by the achievements of Chiune Sugihara, and with the support of the Lithuanian embassy, we started a children's cafeteria, aiming to convey the "sanctity of life" to children and promote international understanding.

We aim to create a community where children, adults, regardless of nationality, can help each other. We believe that protecting the life in front of us and ensuring both mental and physical health is the key to enriching the future. With doctors, nurses, nutritionists, specialists from various fields, and local residents, we are creating a community healthcare system where we can connect and support each other. As a healthcare professional and an individual, I am committed to contributing to the development of a happy and healthy city and doing my utmost to realize peace.

The OHAO Project started with me alone, but now, it's shaped by the shared vision of many comrades. We are taking on the challenges posed by the novel coronavirus and social issues, working to build a better future.

Unbound by preconceived notions, let's carve a new future with specialists from various fields. Let's create a brighter future for Japan together.

団体名:Organization name 一般社団法人OHAO
OHAOプロジェクト:OHAO PROJECT -Our Hearts Are One-
代表者:Representative 諏江宏美:Hiromi Sue
所在地:Address 東京都港区:Minato City, Tokyo
連絡先:Contact Information info@ohao-project.com
設立:Date of Establishment 2022.2.14 /法人設立日 2023.10.20
メンバー&協力会社 一般社団法人OHAO

代表理事   諏江 宏美
理事     佐川 新一朗・岩野 竜
監事     添田悦子(税理士)
顧問弁護士  小林 正憲(小林法律会計事務所)      
Members & Collaborating Companies General Incorporated Association OHAO

Representative Director: Hiromi Sue
Directors: Shinichiro Sagawa, Ryu Iwano
Auditors: Etsuko Soeda (Certified Public Tax Accountant)
Advisory Lawyer: Masanori Kobayashi (Kobayashi Law and Accounting Office)
Supported by the accounting team, interpreter/translation team, design team, and volunteers.
事業内容:Business Activities 当法人は、国境を越えた多世代の人々とのコミュニケーションの場と学習の機会を提供し、

Our organization aims to provide a platform for cross-generational communication and learning opportunities transcending borders, contributing to the creation of inclusive and sustainable communities through multi-cultural interactions, intergenerational exchanges, regional revitalization, and working towards world peace. To achieve these objectives, we undertake the following activities:

Projects related to community activation.
Promotional activities aimed at the preservation and enhancement of health.
Planning, operation, and hosting of events, seminars, lectures, etc.
Human resource development and educational training.
Temporary staffing services and paid job placement.
Advertising and advertising agency services.
Publishing activities and media management.
Development, operation, and consulting services related to applications, software, various systems, etc.
Initiatives promoting community development.
Any other activities necessary to achieve the objectives of our organization.